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North America polar regions : Baffin Bay to Lincoln Sea, showing the recent discoveries by civil engineer R.E. Peary, U.S.N., incorporated with the earlier surveys and examinations made by the U.S.S. Polaris Expedition, in 1871-2, under Captain C.F. Hall, British Arctic Expedition, in 1875-6, under Captain G.S. Nares, R.N., Lady Franklin Bay Expedition, in 1881-4, under Lieutenant A.W. Greely, U.S.A. / [by] U.S. Department of the Navy, Bureau of Equipment, drawn by R.F. Barnes, Gr. Noltzel, chief lithographer.

@ University of Wisconsin--Milwaukee

United States. Navy Dept. Bureau of Equipment


No. 2142. Annotated. Relief shown by contours, hachures, and spot heights. Includes illus., and profile of the coast of Greenland.This map of the Arctic regions, published in 1903 by the Hydrographic Office of the U.S. Department of the Navy, shows the routes of three 19th-century British and American polar expeditions: the U.S.S. Polaris Expedition in 1871–72, under Captain C.F. Hall; the British Arctic Expedition in 1875–76, under Captain G.S. Nares, Royal Navy; and the Lady Franklin Bay Expedition in 1881–84, under Lieutenant A.W. Greely, U.S. Army. The map is annotated in red and blue to show two more recent expeditions led Robert E. Peary in 1900 and 1902. Relief is shown by contours, hachures, and spot elevations. Ocean depths are given in fathoms, heights in feet. The illustration at the top gives a view of the north coast of Greenland looking southward, with mountains shown in relief. Peary (1856–1920), a U.S. Navy officer, made a total of eight Arctic voyages, all starting from the west coast of Greenland. On his voyage of 1900, he reached and named Cape Morris Jesup at the northern tip of Greenland. TheColor;1:1,320,000
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