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Corona panel designed for NMAAHC (Type A: 65% opacity)

@ National Museum of African American History and Culture

Northstar Contracting, Inc., American


An openwork cast aluminum panel of the type used to fabricate the cladding that covers the exterior of the National Museum of African American History and Culture, located on the National Mall in Washington, DC. The panel's bronze color is the final finish, and is the same as the color of the panels installed on the NMAAHC building. Panels were constructed in differing levels of opacity or thickness, in order to regulate the amount of light that enters the building. Panels with varying levels of opacity are used on each side of the building. This panel is the Type A design, with an opacity or density of 65% (35% open). The panel sometimes is referred to as a "corona panel," because these panels encapsulate the stacked upper levels of the building's design, referred to as the "corona" levels by the architects. The stacked shape of the building itself was designed to relfect the stacked top portions of Yoruba carved wood columns by Olowe of Ise found on traditional buildings in Nigeria. This top portion is known as a "capital" in architectural vocabulary, and the architects also use the words "crown" and "corona" to refer to the design inspiration they gained from this top portion of Yoruba column. This panel was fabricated at the same time as the panels installed on the building.
Cast Aluminum Coated With Vinyl Paint
Collection of the Smithsonian National Museum of African American History and Culture
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National Museum of African American History and Culture

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Smithsonian Institution