The Milwaukee Indian: a cooperative study by the Governor's Commission on Human Rights and the School of Social Work, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
@ Wisconsin Historical Society
Wisconsin. Governor's Commission on Human Rights
In the 1940s and 1950s, the federal government moved to end its financial responsibility to tribes based on a tribe's satisfactory degree of acculturation to white ways and economic self-sufficiency. The termination plan was accompanied by an urban relocation program that encouraged Indians to leave their reservations for vocational training and more mainstream lives in urban areas. Many Wisconsin Indians came to Milwaukee. In 1961, the Governor's Commission on Human Rights initiated a survey of Milwaukee's Indian population to determine how Indians were faring in the city. 140 Indians from 100 families participated in the survey, providing information on education, military service, religion, employment, and family life. While the authors sought to remain impartial, some biased generalizations were made that reflect the social and cultural feelings of the 1960s.
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