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SAVF-Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) (Social Action vertical file, circa 1930-2002; Archives Main Stacks, Mss 577, Box 48, Folder 9)

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Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee


This folder is made almost entirely out of Wide Area Telephone Reports compiled by SNCC between the months of June and September 1965. The reports detail the organization's day-to-day operations and the harassment their field workers received as a result of these efforts. Existing in the background of these reports is the Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party's Congressional Challenge, the appointment of James P. Coleman to the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals, and SNCC's attempts to organize workers into the Mississippi Freedom Labor Union.
Reports And Surveys
Copyright to these documents belongs to the individuals who created them or the organizations for which they worked. The principal organizations have been defunct for many years and copyright to their unpublished records is uncertain. We share them here strictly for non-profit educational purposes. We have attempted to contact individuals who created personal papers of significant length or importance. Nearly all have generously permitted us to include their work. If you believe that you possess copyright to material included here, please contact us at Under the fair use provisions of the U.S. copyright law, teachers and students are free to reproduce any document for nonprofit classroom use. Commercial use of copyright-protected material is generally prohibited.
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Record Contributed By

Wisconsin Historical Society

Record Harvested From

Recollection Wisconsin