Wait, hangman; Maid freed from the gallows; Hangman; Freed From the Gallows; Hang Me, Oh Hang Me; The Gallows Tree; Hangman Slacken; Wait, Hangman, wait, Hangman, just stay your hand,
@ University of Arkansas
Spencer, Sadie
Voice Collected by Libby Hellums Sadie Spencer (Negro) Dumas, Ark. April 23, 1962 Reel 414, Item 7 Wait, Hangman (The Maid Freed from the Gallows) Wait, Hangman, wait, Hangman, just stay your hand, And leave me here in jail, I think I see my mother come To pay my bondage free. Dear Mother, dear Mother, did you bring any gold, To pay my bondage free? Or did you come to see me hang Upon the shameful tree? Yes, Daughter, yes, Daughter, I brought some gold, To pay your bondage free, I could not stand to see you hang Upon the shameful tree. Funding for digitization provided by the Arkansas Humanities Council and the Happy Hollow Foundation.
Hellums, Libby
1962 04 23
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