Rivero, Marita White, Conrad Jones, Vickie Barrow-Murray, Barbara Spooner, Dighton
In this clip Jean McGuire, Director of METCO, talks about the need for a larger supply of well trained and sensitive teachers for the Black Community. Overall the program focuses on the need for, as well as problems attending, leadership in African American communities. Host Marita Rivero introduces the upcoming April 24 March for Desegregation being held in Boston and speaks with participating local leaders John O. Boone, Maceo Dixon (of the National Student Coalition Against Racism or NSCAR), and Reverend William Weeks. All discuss the virtues of the upcoming march, the role of school busing as a "gateway" issue for segregationists to attack civil rights, the role of the church in leading African American communities, and the future of the Black revolution. Additionally, Rivero speaks with Percy Wilson, Executive Director of the Roxbury Multi-Service Center about institutional leadership. Program interviews are periodically halted for previously recorded segments featuring local and national Black leaders Elma Lewis, Jean McGuire, Haki Madhubuti, and Supreme Minister Wallace D. Muhammad of the Nation of Islam. Produced by Marita Muhammad Rivero. Directed by Conrad White.
Motion Pictures
Clarke, BrianNicholas , Huntley, JrAllen, LydiaMahard, FranMacKnight, JohnKane, PatHutton, DavidKramer, SharonPlausse, JohnSmith, LeeBuccheri, RonWareham, SkipSmith, KathyCross, JuneSullivan, John LWilson, BobBundy, KissetteBourne, Wendell
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WGBHRecord Harvested From
Digital CommonwealthKeywords
- African American Teachers
- African Americans
- Black Muslims
- Boone, John O
- Civil Rights
- Dixon, Maceo
- Education
- Lewis, Elma
- Madhubuti, Haki R. 1942
- Massachusetts
- Mc Guire, Jean
- Muhammad, Wallace D
- National Student Coalition Against Racism
- Segregation
- Training Of
- Weeks, Rev. William