Ensemble Concert: 2005-06-11 -- All-State Music Camp Bands and Orchestra Concert
@ University of Iowa
Recorded June 11, 2005 in Hancher Auditorium, The University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa. Includes University of Iowa faculty members William LaRue Jones (conductor) and Don Coffman (conductor). The ensembles performed in the following order: Orchestra, Gold Band, Adult Band, Black Band. Contact the Rita Benton Music Library at the University of Iowa: https://www.lib.uiowa.edu/music/contact/ IaS rebuild media workflow. Differing order and some content in comparison to the program. 2021-06-24 mkm.
1 Pdf Program + 25 Audio Recordings (1 Hr., 24 Min., 53 Sec.)
All-State Music Camp Orchestra (performer)All-State Music Camp Adult Band (performer)All-State Music Camp Black Band (performer)All-State Music Camp Gold Band (performer)Roost, Jan Van der (composer)Spears, Jared (composer)Latham, William P. (composer)Jones, William LaRue (conductor)Espinosa, Sergio (conductor)Coffman, Don (conductor)Driskell, Thad (conductor)Griffin, Peter (conductor)University of Iowa. Rita Benton Music Library (host institution)
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