Map (3) showing present or late and also former distributions of northern tribes.
@ American Philosophical Society
Hand-colored and annotated map delineating distribution of [as spelled] Salishan, Kitunahan, Athapascan family, Algonquian family, Shoshonean, Siouan. Trade routes delineated in red. Annotated map area encompasses Alberta and Saskatchewan, plus western Manitoba, southernmost North West Territories/Yukon, and northern portions of Montana, Idaho, and Washington.Base map: “Rand-McNally New Pocket Map of Western Canada Showing Provinces of Alberta and Saskatchewan.” (c) 1906. Scale 60 miles = 1 inch.
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Record Contributed By
American Philosophical SocietyRecord Harvested From
PA DigitalKeywords
- Alaska
- Alberta
- Algonquian Indians
- Arikara Indians
- Assiniboine Indians
- British Columbia
- Carrier Indians
- Chilcotin Indians
- Chipewyan Indians
- Coast Salish Indians
- Coeur D'alene Indians
- Cree Indians
- Gitxsan Indians
- Gros Ventre Indians (Montana)
- Hidatsa Indians
- Idaho
- Kainah Indians
- Kalispel Indians
- Kootenai Indians
- Lillooet Indians
- Mandan Indians
- Manitoba
- Maps
- Montana
- Nahane Indians
- Niska Indians
- Northwest Territories
- Ntlakyapamuk Indians
- Nuxalk Indians
- Okanagan Indians
- Piegan Indians
- Salish Indians
- Sanpoil Indians
- Sarsi Indians
- Saskatchewan
- Sechelt Indians
- Sekani Indians
- Senijextee Indians
- Shoshoni Indians
- Siksika Indians
- Sinkiuse Columbia Indians
- Slaver
- Slavey Indians
- Spokane Indians
- Squamish Indians
- St'at'imc People
- Tahltan Indians
- Tlingit Indians
- Tsetsaut Indians
- Tsuut'ina People
- Washington (State)
- Wenatchi Indians
- Wet'suwet'en Indians
- Willapa Indians
- Yakama Indians
- Yukon