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MCP's response to the Pastor's introduction

@ University of Arkansas
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Long Grove Negro Baptist Church (Patterson, Woodruff County, Ark.); Parler, Mary Celestia


Coll. by M.C. Parler Long Grove Negro Baptist Church Patterson, Ark. Oct. 25, 1953 Reel 166 Item 2 MCP's Response to the Pastor's Introduction Thank you, Brother Cole. I've had about as good a time today as I've had in a long time; and I don't have to t e l l you now what I'm do in' because your fine pastor has explained it better than I can. I hadn't thought about being a rep'esentative of the University as much as I do right now. But I want you to know that the campus of the University of Arkansas is the state of Arkansas, and that the University of Arkansas is not the white University of Arkansas, but the University of all the people. You brought it up (turning to the pastor), but I forgot I had a diff'ent colored skin from the rest of you. I hadn't thought about but you brought it up. Anyway, I'm not goin' to take up any more of your time explaining to you what I'm doing. Etc. (Not much more.) Funding for digitization provided by the Arkansas Humanities Council and the Happy Hollow Foundation.
Parler, Mary Celestia
Created Date:
1953 10 25
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Ozark Folksong Collection

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University of Arkansas