Interview with John Lewis conducted for America, They Loved You Madly, a precursor to Eyes on the Prize. Discussion centers on the sit-ins in Nashville, the philosophy of non-violence, the Freedom Rides, his role in SNCC, and the March on Washington.
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Washington University in Saint LouisRecord Harvested From
Missouri HubKeywords
- Birmingham (Ala.)
- Civil Rights
- Civil Rights Demonstrations
- Civil Rights Movements
- Freedom Rides, 1961
- History
- King, Martin Luther, Jr., 1929 1968
- Lewis, John, 1940 Feb. 21
- March On Washington For Jobs And Freedom, Washington, D.C., 1963
- Nashville
- Nashville (Tenn.)
- Nonviolence
- Oral History
- Race Relations
- Randolph, A. Philip (Asa Philip), 1889 1979
- Rustin, Bayard, 1912 1987
- Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee
- Tennessee
- United States