Relaçaõ e descripçaõ de Guiné: na qual se trata das varias naçoens de negros, que a povoaõ, dos seus costumes, leys, ritos, ceremonias, guerras, armas, trajos, da qualidade dos portos, e do commercio, que nelles se faz
@ Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture, Manuscripts, Archives and Rare Books Division. The New York Public Library
Almada, André Álvares d
Epistle dedicatory signed: Antonio da Costa Valle.Title page vignette.A rare early account of the nations of the West Coast Africa; describes the various tribes, laws, costumes, rites and ceremonies; includes comments on the products, the fertility of the land, and tribal political relationships; there is an account of the conquest of Sierra Leone by the Cumbas and numerous references to Brazil, where the Portuguese mainly exported African slaves.