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The Context of Freedom

@ University of Arkansas


Page 6 Baccalaureate Sermon moral duty. These are the truths of divine revelation and human experience. They have been followed and applied with happy results in peace, which is the fruit of justice. They have been ignored, but with the inevitable loss of freedom and the denial of human rights. Whenever men have turned from God and sought freedom, they have found slavery in statism. Whenever they have sought liberty elsewhere than in the moral law, they have suffered the consequences of lawlessness. Whenever they have claimed rights and neglected duties, they have become utterly selfish, self-righteous and pitiably wrong. Worship of the state, worship of the belly, worship of the self have had their bitter day, their senseless unnecessary day, until the dutiful and the God-fearing have fought their way to the hope of dawn. Then patriots and saints have died for truth, even more than for freedom, flinging the great togas of freedom into the fire of conflict for the truth which made their fellows free. This, too, may be your destiny in the clash of continents which seems to be upon us. Only God knows. But, whatever the event, you will know that democracy cannot survive unless men know and understand that liberty is the child of God's law, that justice and faith are the context of freedom, that human rights are defended by moral duties. The personal responsibility of the University graduate is grave in this critical day. It would be grave in any day. To...

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Commence and Go Forth - University of Arkansas Commencement Speeches

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University of Arkansas