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Notes accompanying annotated maps of the Pacific Northwest

@ American Philosophical Society
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Part of ACLS Collection, Item 59, "Annotated Maps and Notes to maps of the Pacific Northwest." These notes accompany 15 maps hand-annotated by James Teit, showing territories and language ranges in multiple period of Indigenous peoples primarily of the Yukon, British Columbia, Alberta, Washington, Oregon, Idaho, and Montana.
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Record Contributed By

American Philosophical Society

Record Harvested From

PA Digital


  1. Alberta
  2. Algonquian Indians
  3. Alsea Indians
  4. Arapaho Indians
  5. Arikara Indians
  6. Assiniboine Indians
  7. Athapascan Indians
  8. Bannock Indians
  9. Blackfoot Indians
  10. British Columbia
  11. California
  12. Carrier Indians
  13. Cayuse Indians
  14. Chelan Indians
  15. Chemakum Indians
  16. Cheyenne Indians
  17. Chilcotin Indians
  18. Chinook Indians
  19. Chipewyan Indians
  20. Clatskanie Indians
  21. Coast Salish Indians
  22. Coeur D'alene Indians
  23. Colville Indians
  24. Coos Indians
  25. Cowichan Indians
  26. Cowlitz Indians
  27. Cree Indians
  28. Crow Indians
  29. Gitxsan Indians
  30. Gros Ventre Indians (Montana)
  31. Idaho
  32. Kainah Indians
  33. Kalapuya Indians
  34. Kalispel Indians
  35. Klamath Indians
  36. Klikitat Indians
  37. Kootenai Indians
  38. Lakota Indians
  39. Lekwungen Indians
  40. Lillooet Indians
  41. Lummi Indians
  42. Makah Indians
  43. Mandan Indians
  44. Maps
  45. Methow Indians
  46. Modoc Indians
  47. Molala Indians
  48. Montana
  49. Nahane Indians
  50. Nevada
  51. Niska Indians
  52. Nlaka'pamux People
  53. Nooksack Indians
  54. Nootka Indians
  55. Northwest Territories
  56. Ntlakyapamuk Indians
  57. Nuu Chah Nulth People
  58. Nuxalk Indians
  59. Okanagan Indians
  60. Oregon
  61. Paiute Indians
  62. Paloos Indians
  63. Piegan Indians
  64. Quileute Indians
  65. Quinault Indians
  66. Salish Indians
  67. Sanpoil Indians
  68. Sarsi Indians
  69. Saskatchewan
  70. Sechelt Indians
  71. Secwepemc People
  72. Sekani Indians
  73. Senijextee Indians
  74. Shahaptian Indians
  75. Shasta Indians
  76. Shoshoni Indians
  77. Shuswap Indians
  78. Siksika Indians
  79. Siletz Indians
  80. Sinkiuse Columbia Indians
  81. Siuslaw Indians
  82. Skagit Indians
  83. Slaver
  84. Slavey Indians
  85. Snohomish Indians
  86. Snoqualmie Indians
  87. Spokane Indians
  88. Squamish Indians
  89. Syilx People
  90. Takelma Indians
  91. Tillamook Indians
  92. Tlakluit Indians
  93. Tlingit Indians
  94. Tsetsaut Indians
  95. Tsuut'ina People
  96. Twana Indians
  97. Umatilla Indians
  98. Umpqua Indians
  99. Utah
  100. Ute Indians
  101. Walla Walla Indians
  102. Wasco Indians
  103. Washington (State)
  104. Wenatchi Indians
  105. Wet'suwet'en Indians
  106. Willapa Indians
  107. Wyoming
  108. Yakama Indians
  109. Yana Indians
  110. Yukon

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